
Favorite Links

Friends and Family:

Junebugg's Website - this is my sister's website, chock full of more photos of Will and family

I really got started on the 'Net with iVillage, a community for women. It has message boards and chats on hundreds of subjects. However, this year for reasons that have more to do with profit and less with dealing with old software, both the board and chat formats changed, and for the worse, in my opinion. I have gradually cut down my involvement with iVillage, but here are the places I still haunt:

The Crafters' Community

The First Time Moms Message Board

The Harry Potter Fans Message Board

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Message Board

Here are some organizations I support or am involved with:

Bookcrossing - release your books into the wild!

Comic Book Legal Defense Fund - supporting First Amendment rights

Friends of Lulu - get more girls into comics!

The Hunger Site - easiest way to donate ever

Research Triangle Science Fiction Society - a local club of somewhat like-minded individuals
Trinoc*coN - an annual science fiction convention in Durham, NC

Blogs I read:

Blog on the Run, by my friend Lex

Just a Few More Minutes, by my wonderful husband

Neil Gaiman's Journal, where one of my favorite authors rambles

Planet Kimi, by my friend Kim

Unquiet Dreams, by my friend Laura

Wil Wheaton.net, yes, that Wil Wheaton

Sites I enjoy, Harry Potter-related and others:

FARK - where one can take pride in being a jerk

Fiction Alley - the largest collection of Potter fan fiction around

The Leaky Cauldron - a great place for all things Harry Potter

Strange Horizons - an excellent weekly online SF zine

(Web) Comics I Follow:

The Boondocks

Calvin and Hobbes

Dork Tower

For Better or For Worse

Get Fuzzy


Sluggy Freelance

Music I listen to:

Celtic Grove - streaming Celtic music

WCPE - classical music online

WNCU - great jazz music

Blue Man Group

Carbon Leaf

Celtic Soul


Fighting Gravity

Full Moon Ensemble

Glengarry Bhoys

Great Big Sea

Seven Nations

Slainte Mhath

Tannahill Weavers

And I'm a sucker for my favorite decade of music: the '80's!

What I do:

Blue's Clues - my toddler's favorite show (PS: did you know Steve has put out an album?)

Charmed - my current favorite show

Choshinkan - my dojo

Good Eats - my favorite Food TV show...

Iron Chef - or maybe it's this one

Read, read and read!